China Home Automation Industry Research Report
  • Report Name: China Home Automation Industry Research Report
  • Keywords: China Home Automation industry, China Home Automation market
  • Publisher: CIConsulting
  • Delivery: Express or E-mail
  • Pages: 78
  • Number of Words: 20 thousand
  • Price of English Version(Unit: USD): 3000(Hardcopy) 3000(Pdf) 3000(Both)
  • Tel: 0086 - 755 - 82571522 82571566 82571599
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  The smart home is the use of integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, security technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to home life related equipment integration.
  The popularity of home automation has been increasing greatly in recent years due to much higher affordability and simplicity through smartphone and tablet connectivity in China.
  According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, the data of China Home Automation Industry Research Report is authoritative.


Chapter 1 China Home Automation Industry Introduction
  1.1 Industry Definition
  1.2 About the Industry
    1.2.1 Classification
    1.2.2 Features
    1.2.3 System elements
  1.3 Industry at a Glance
    1.3.1 Background
    1.3.2 Development History
    1.3.3 Key Factors
Chapter 2 External Drivers of China Home Automation Industry
  2.1 Policy
    2.1.1 Official regulation
    2.1.2 National guidelines
  2.2 Economy
    2.2.1 Worldwide economy behavior
    2.2.2 China economic growth
    2.2.3 Development Trends
  2.3 Society
    2.3.1 Incomes
    2.3.2 Consumer preference
    2.3.3 Energy saving
  2.4 Technology
    2.4.1 Integration of three networks
    2.4.2 Cloud computing
    2.4.3 Internet of things
Chapter 3 China Home Automation Industry Performance
  3.1 Global Home Automation Industry Development Overview
    3.1.1 Executive Summary
    3.1.2 Market Entity
    3.1.3 Market Structure
    3.1.4 Scale Analysis
  3.2 China Home Automation Industry Development Overview
    3.2.1 Executive Summary
    3.2.2 Market Entity
    3.2.3 Market Structure
    3.2.4 Industry feature
  3.3 China Home Automation Industry Current Performance
    3.3.1 Economy Scale
    3.3.2 Influencing factors
    3.3.3 Market special features
    3.3.4 Strong Points
    3.3.5 Weak Pointes
  3.4 Industry Life Cycle
    3.4.1 Industry lifecycle definition
    3.4.2 China home automation industry Life stage analysis
Chapter 4 Products & Market Analysis of China Home Automation Industry
  4.1 China Home Automation Industry Supply Chain
    4.1.1 Introduction
    4.1.2 Key Buying Industries
    4.1.3 Key Selling Industries
    4.1.4 Correlation
  4.2 China Home Automation Industry Business Location
    4.2.1 Regional analysis
    4.2.2 Regional development trends
    4.2.3 Province development plan
    4.2.4 East China
    4.2.5 South China
    4.2.6 North China
  4.3 China Home Automation Industry Competitive Analysis
    4.3.1 Competitive Landscape
    4.3.2 Industry Concentration
    4.3.3 Competition analysis
    4.3.4 Competition based pricing
Chapter 5 Major Companies of China Home Automation Industry
  5.1 China Home Automation Industry Major Companies list
  5.2 Tongfang Co., Ltd.
    5.2.1 Introduction
    5.2.2 Development history
    5.2.3 Market Position
    5.2.4 Financial Performance
    5.2.5 Projects
    5.2.6 Prospects
  5.3 Tellhow Sci-tech Co., Ltd.
    5.3.1 Introduction
    5.3.2 Development history
    5.3.3 Market Position
    5.3.4 Financial Performance
    5.3.5 Projects
    5.3.6 Prospects
  5.4 Shanghai Yanhua Smarttech Co.,Ltd.
    5.4.1 Introduction
    5.4.2 Development history
    5.4.3 Market Position
    5.4.4 Financial Performance
    5.4.5 Projects
    5.4.6 Prospects
  5.5 Other Players in China
    5.5.1 Zhejiang Enjoyor Electronics Co.,Ltd.
    5.5.2 Shanghai East-China Computer Co.,Ltd.
Chapter 6 China Home Automation Industry Investing Analysis
  6.1 China Home Automation Industry Investing Situation
    6.1.1 Barriers to entry
    6.1.2 Capital intensity
    6.1.3 Capital entry scale
    6.1.4 Foreign capital entry
  6.2 China Home Automation Industry Investment Strategies
    6.2.1 Technical analysis
    6.2.2 Fundamental analysis
    6.2.3 Top-down investing
    6.2.4 Bottom-up investing
    6.2.5 Dividend investing
    6.2.6 Contrarian investing
  6.3 Investment Opportunities
    6.3.1 Trade promotion opportunities
    6.3.2 Products options
    6.3.3 Foreign entity
Chapter 7 China Home Automation Industry Trends and Prospect Analysis from CIConsulting
  7.1 China Home Automation Industry Development Trends
    7.1.1 Industry trends
    7.1.2 Market trends
    7.1.3 Product trends
    7.1.4 Technology trends
  7.2 China Home Automation Industry Outlook
    7.2.1 Downstream Demand
    7.2.2 Competition
    7.2.3 Technology
  7.3 CIConsulting Prediction for China Home Automation Industry , 2015-2019
    7.3.1 Scale
    7.3.2 Revenue
    7.3.3 Profit

Contents of Chart:
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